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Online Poker - A Game of Sharks and Fishes

There is a current explosion in playing poker online.  Anyone with a computer and online connection can grab a virtual chip and chair and take their place around the cyber felt and be dealt into a hand of their preferred game of poker.

Once your dealt into the game however, how easy is it to steal the pot from the other players at the table?  Well one of the advantages is that the other players sitting around the table have no idea how experienced (or not) you are.  In online poker it's as possible to win the game as a rookie playing their first game as someone who has been playing for some time.  One of the things separating the sharks from the fishes is the ability to take note of what's happening around the table, to watch and learn as well as play.  

Online poker gives the lesser experienced player the chance to learn the game rules and strategy without needing to worry about figuring out the size of the other players' stack of chips, when to check instead of calling, or even the required raise amount as the software used by the online casino usually takes care of that and gives the information automatically.  You are prompted each time it is your turn, and the blinds are taken automatically when you need to pay them.  This leaves the new player at liberty to learn what moves work and time to assess the other players and how they are playing.  It is conversion of this observation into game play that quickly will promote a fish to a shark!

One thing that is similar in online poker as in the real life game, once you find yourself acting the shark amongst your level of play, it's time to up your game and move up to the next level.  Transition slowly so that you can recoup your losses - remember the people at the new level don't know you are new to this level so don't be intimidated but use the lower level to fund your learning curve.

In online poker it's possible for anyone to become a shark if they proactively watch each play in the game and not just get caught up in their own cards.  Fish are the players who are there, as my Gran used to say, to make the numbers up - in poker, they are the ones who help increase the pot size which in turn will feed the sharks.  Although all players start out as shark bait - whether you remain a fish or become a shark is in your hands and how you play them!